
A place of experience and transformation


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Mentoring Space

For the Development of Leaders and Entrepreneurs

The opportunity to share your experience, transform people and follow your own growth

What is Mentoring Space?

A learning and transformation center to accompany leaders and entrepreneurs, through Mentoring and Coaching in the definition and achievement of their objectives, facilitating the development of their talent and making available the experience of our mentors and our “Open Mentoring” model.

Why talk about Mentoring?

Our life is linked to “mentors”, who have offered us and continue to offer us their experience as models and references.

  • We are social beings who go further, more confident, with greater conviction, when we do it accompanied or when we know who to turn to in times of difficulty.
  • Mentoring formalizes this human experience and offers it as an incalculable value to continue “growing” in our maturity and in this environment.
  • The mentor is the facilitator of the necessary reflection on the experience to turn it into learning. Miguel Corrales, María Luisa (Founder of Escuela de Mentoring).
  • Mentoring “is an accelerator of the learning process” (Managing Partner of Ackerman International).
  • Mentoring has become a tool for the development of people in the most competitive companies (+90% of the Fortune 500).

Mentoring Achievements

Reduce by 60% the time it takes for a new executive to reach peak performance.

Accelerate the careers of top talent by 40%.

Increase retention of key people and top talent by more than 50%.

Improve organizational climate by more than 30%.

What is mentoring?

An accompaniment model in which a personal and trusting relationship is established between mentor and mentee.
It focuses on the development of the mentee’s talent, with a methodology that facilitates and generates co-learning, through which the mentor shares knowledge and experience. It guides, stimulates, and challenges the mentees, until they achieve their Objectives aligned with their Life Purpose (José Luis Altolaguirre. Mentor. Coach. Psychologist.)

At Mentoring Space we believe that

  • Every person has the capacity to change and learn at every moment of their life thanks to neuroplasticity and neurogenesis: The role of the Mentor is to ensure that this neuroplasticity is self-directed.
  • Learning is much more efficient, farther, and more consistent when we are accompanied.
  • Each person is unique and unrepeatable and has their own goals.
  • Experience turned into learning is the basis of the Mentor-Mentee relationship.
  • The good Mentor walks with the mentee until the mentee reaches their goals.
  • Leaving the legacy of our experience is an ethical obligation to the new generations and to our personal and professional environment.

Our Value Proposition for Companies

  • Executive Mentoring Programs for Executives, High Potential individuals and Teams: with different alternatives of scope and content.
  • Development of a Mentoring Culture.
  • Internal Mentoring Training: to develop Mentoring programs with internal resources of the organization.
  • Mentoring Leaders Program: To develop a vision of transformative Leadership, which incorporates the competencies of the Leader, those of the Mentor.

So a Mentor is:

A person with experience, knowledge and professional prestige who establishes a relationship of trust and collaboration with the mentee and invests time and effort, sharing his know-how to care for and enhance their development in:

  • Knowledge
  • Competencies
  • Critical life needs

“The Profile of a Mentor”


“Have a strong orientation towards people, who inspires and motivates.”


“Be open to continuous learning while mentoring others”


“Have and share valuable experiences and knowledge with their mentees”


“Be willing to dedicate time to accompany in the evolution of their mentees”


The Competencies of a Mentoring Relationship

Relationship with oneself


Emotional balance committed to one’s own learning.

Relationship with people

Interest in developing others

Relationship management

Empathy and communication

Relationship with the environment

Knowledgeable of the business.

Comprehensive Vision

Business Clarity

Achievement oriented

How does a Mentoring Program work?

  1. Accompany the mentee in identifying where and when they see the need to develop their competences (Critical Moments).
  2. To awaken in them the desire, the need, and the commitment to develop these capabilities.
  3. Help them to specify the objectives to achieve this development and in which changes will be evidenced.
  4. Agree on an Action Plan that makes it credible and plausible to achieve it.
  5. Achieve the commitment to comply with it
  6. Give your own perspective, when required
  7. Provide them with the necessary training tools
  8. Accompany them until the achievement of the consolidated objectives.
  9. Prepare them for the end of the process

Open Mentoring

We have created a learning and transformation center to accompany, through mentoring, leaders, and entrepreneurs in defining and achieving their goals, facilitating the development of their talent, and making available the experience of our mentors and our “Open Mentoring” model.


  •  • Accompany the mentee in identifying where and when they see the need to develop their competences (Critical Moments).
    • To awaken in them the desire, the need, and the commitment to develop these capabilities.
    • Help them to specify the objectives to achieve this development and in which changes will be evidenced.
    • Agree on an Action Plan that makes it credible and plausible to achieve it.
    • Achieve the commitment to comply with it
    • Give your own perspective, when required
    • Provide them with the necessary training tools
    • Accompany them until the achievement of the consolidated objectives.

For more information, please contact us and we will answer your questions as soon as possible.

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